2020 – Jahresrückblick
Der jährliche Rückblick – immer die gleichen Fragen, manchmal unterschiedliche Antworten.
Kommen sie, sehen sie, staunen sie.
Der jährliche Rückblick – immer die gleichen Fragen, manchmal unterschiedliche Antworten.
Kommen sie, sehen sie, staunen sie.
The playlist of my favourite songs of 2020 with explanations and youtube-links
The bands and artists I saw and heard in the first quarter of 2020.
Most likely the only article of its kind in 2020…
my favorite songs in 2019
The concerts I attended in the last quarter of 2019.
Four bands, four locations :-)
Start of the concert season 2019.
7 shows in 5 different locations.