a fall full of music (after the dissonance of anxiety)
2018 had considerably fewer concerts than 2017 plus my wonky condition in the first half made a few shows problematic – I had to cancel Flogging Molly/Dropkick Murphys due to the anxiety, Beatsteaks in Jahrhunderthalle also fell prey to that problem, we were there but had to leave after a few songs. Smaller shows were easier and I thoroughly enjoyed The Devil and the Universe in February (@Das Bett), while the anxiety was otherwise reigning.
Also, the Folk Metal spring concert in Aschaffenburg at one of my favorite venues, the Colos-Saal, was okay and we saw Korpiklaani for the second time and Heidevolk, who are really great on stage.

A trip to Bruxelles was planned and the concert of Fever Ray there. It would have been okay on my side. I was feeling okay at the time, but Bella’s sickness prohibited the journey and we had to cancel the whole thing. Hence I didn’t see senficon this year and I don’t like that…
And then there was nothing on our concert agenda for the whole summer and only after we returned from our cabin in the woods I went to see Eläkeläiset in Wiesbaden end of September. As usual, it was a blast (also for the Schlachthof again and I enjoyed seeing Tim, Lenny, and Flo there. Jenny came by a bit later and we drove home together.
Some three weeks later tomate paid us a visit and we all wanted to go and see ASP with the Krabat-Liederzirkel. Unfortunately, Kim was sick that day and couldn’t make it to the show, therefore Jenny, tomate and me had to go alone to Wiesbaden. The show was very satisfying on many levels, musically, bonding-wise, and last but not least for merch matters 1

But all of that was just preparation for the three weeks in November with 5 concerts, 4 of which took place within 10 days. And they provided everything, fantastic moments and utter disappointment, intimate moments and huge crowds.
For a start, I had planned to see The Rumjacks together with Kim and Jenny. The concert in Das Bett in Frankfurt was almost sold out and we had mixed feelings about the support, Booze & Glory from London. Oi/Streetpunk can be tough…
We were in for a treat, though – the boys were gorgeous, very melodious straight punk rock with excellent sound and they did really rock the place. Perfect start…
… for disaster. The mix for The Rumjacks was intolerable, the sound a catastrophe. We had to leave after a few minutes, ears ringing despite plugs and being as far away from the loudspeakers as you can get in Das Bett.
The following Saturday saw us again @Das Bett, this time tomate, Jenny, and me for celebrating 40 years of Bauhaus together with Peter Murphy. The club was packed (after we were allowed to go in at a quarter past eight – they had announced doors at seven, but the band arrived late and had to to the full soundcheck, while the complete audience queued in the rain…)
Peter in a glitter jacket and with a fancy beard proved to not have lost even the tiniest bit of his charisma and although the sound wasn’t perfect, it was a wonderful show. I saw Ernie and Claus again – it had been ages :-)

The following week provided the best shows so far. First, we went to see Adam Angst in Wiesbaden. The smaller venue at Schlachthof Wiesbaden, the Kesselhaus was sold out. Kai and I had been to one show back in 2015 (also at the Kesselhaus) and had been amazed at the sound and the energy then. With the new album not quite being up to the quality of the first one we were a bit doubtful, whether they would maintain the high level we had enjoyed so much.
Ye shall not doubt Adam Angst!
The concert was amazing, from the first riff until the very end with a cover version of Frida und die Bomben by the Beatsteaks. A great audience, excellent sound and light, and Felix Schönfuss in good shape made up for a great tour start of the band.
I managed to get some good pictures and they were well-liked by the band on Instagram. :-D
Also, I was happy to meet again with Katrin after some months and to see Kai and Lea again.
Saturday. 2,5 years without a Frank Turner show nearby. This had to end and it did wonderfully. Our group was really big, Manuel, Tim, Basti, Chris, Anya, Katrin, Tobi, Jenny, Kim and I and even Petra from Schweinfurt joined us for the concert.
This time the support acts were done quickly and the show started at nine with 1933 and Blackout, both from the new album, followed by Get better and Recovery.
The mix of old and new songs would continue for 25 songs, including all the classics Photosynthesis, Try this at home, Ballad of me and my friends, The Road and so on (see the setlist below).
Frank was in an excellent mood, the sound very tight and energetic.
Glorious you once again…
We had a marvelous time until shortly before the set when Kim had some circulation problems, went outside, and got caught by a set of overachieving paramedics, who should be banished from work everywhere. We had a hard time getting out of their ‚diagnostic‘ grip and get to the car…

And now the concert season 2018 has concluded with Saltatio Mortis @Schlachthof Wiesbaden.
We enjoyed a great show and the audience was really good and energetic. I will put my musings into a separate post since it was the first time I saw them and there’s a bit to talk of.
Great entertainment, lots of energy and pyros. That will have to make do for the Rammstein disappointment, did not get tickets for them in Frankfurt next year…

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