Yeah well, not really my cup of coffee. OTOH – black clothes and the volume up to eleven – there’s lots of worse options…
My experiences with the style are but few, some Deep Purple or AC/DC (okay, Tool and Rammstein and the like. Same same but different.)
Alas, I was a bit sceptical, when Jenny came up with this event. For her enthusiasm (and the wonderful company <3 ) I would take on almost everything, though.
And I really liked Korpiklaani on the spot, Humppa Metal is a thing. A very funny and entertaining one.
The other bands would get their chance to surprise me…

So we drove to Aschaffenburg last Monday in the rain and the dark, with all the ‚fun‘ highway A3 gives so freely (jams and roadwork every few metres), but the ride was okay and a parking space close to the city center proved to be an easy one to find.
I had been to the venue before, attending a show of Mono & Nikitaman there years ago. Colos-Saal didn’t get bigger since.
And the merch stand claimed quite a share of the space. Credit card payment helped growing our clothes collection significantly :-D
„Where do you shop for clothes?“ „At concerts.“
A relaxed audience welcomed Skálmöld at seven and did those guys from Iceland rock the house!
Okay, I like metal. That kind anyway.
During the set change we chanced to meet the members of Skálmöld in the audience with beers – talking to Baldur Ragnarsson for a while about shirts and not wearing them on stage and the impression this makes on some participants on the audience side, the usual, you get it. Whatever. Baldur is an awesome guy <3
In come Moonsorrow. ‚This is a bit on the darker side‘ I was told. And yes, they are. I am still not warming too much with screaming, but with Moonsorrow I found the lead vocals embedded in gorgeous riffs and harmonies and expecially after listening to their stuff for more than a week I totally relate to them. (and then she danced… <3) Also Henri Sorvali in his present hair-state of looks strongly reminded me of a mix between Ragnar and Floki, the Vikings characters :-D
Anytime again! I like metal. This kind, too.
Finally, Korpiklaani.
Pure fun ensues and now the people are really dancing. And with an amiable pogo style (quoting Frank Turner: No fists, no fight).
Jonne Järvelä is so much fun on stage with his broad smile and his abilities to connect to the audience at any given time. We are having a great time. In the final part of the show the dancefloor gets bigger by the minute as many seem to rush for the final trains and the space is made good use of.
VODKA being the 1st encore brings the remainder of the audience to a boil.
Exhausting, but such a lot of fun.
Then the music stopped and we went back to the car and subsequently homewards.
That was about when I realized, I should have got myself a Skálmöld-shirt. I really liked them lots. Still do.
To my surprise that was taken care of a few days afterwards. \o/ Thanks to you, my beloved warrior princess <3
On another note – all the live pics were taken with my LG G2 and I finally seem to make good use of the camera of that phone. Took me only about two years m)
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